The 2025 edition is now sold-out.
You can either register as teammate, register with a Travel Agency or Ride for Charity.
Ride the legend of the Tour de France
Since 1993 amateur cyclists have had the chance to ride a stage of Le Tour de France on closed roads in L’Étape du Tour de France. Guided by professional Tour de France racers, you can come experience one of the mountain stages of the most prestigious cycling race in the world! You can live out your dreams under the same conditions as the pros, featuring an identical route as Le Tour a few days later, legendary hill climbs through the Alps or the Pyrenees, and roads closed to traffic. Are you looking to take on a massive sporting challenge in a inspiring and breath taking environment?
Then this is the challenge is for you!
The 2025 edition is now sold-out.
If you didn’t have the chance to get your bib number, you still have 2 last options for being in Albertville on July 20th.
1. Contact one of our affiliated tour operators, who guarantee a complete package including your bib number, transport and accommodation.
2. Get a charity entry.
3. Dreaming of cycling the legendary routes of L'Étape du Tour de France? With the L'Étape Reward program, your loyalty is rewarded! This exclusive program offers participants of L'Étape by Tour de France races priority access to secure their race bib.
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How to register?
All registrations are made on-line on time to. Registration takes no more than five minutes and you will receive immediate confirmation by email. After creating your account (or logging in with your time to profile), there is just one form to complete and payment to be made (securely of course).
For the moment, only pre-registration is open. This will give you a sneak preview of the reopening of registrations for L'Étape du Tour de France 2025.
To pre-register, click here
Who can register?
The race is open to everyone, including riders without a competitive cycling permit, on the condition that they are 18 or over in 2025.
So that everyone can enjoy the best race conditions, all participants will be ranked according to their level of ability when the race numbers are allocated.
What is included in my registration?
Before the race:
- One race number envelope for the Étape du Tour de France, which includes:
- Your personalised race number with:
- 4 pins;
- 1 road map ;
- Stickers ;
- Number plate - with the same race number - and cable ties to attach it to your bike ;
- An electronic timing chip stuck to the front number plate ;
- A baggage label for the bag that you’ll leave at the left luggage facilities on the morning of the race ;
- The Welcome Bag.
During the race
- Medical assistance throughout the race. Necessary information will be provided on your road map;
- Both stationary and mobile mechanical assistance will be provided free of charge by our partner, Mavic (parts must be paid for), including at the feeding stations ;
- Access to the feeding stations during the race ;
- If you have to withdraw from the race, we will provide transport to the finish line ;
After the race:
- A finishers' medal. ;
- Access to the Finish Village, activities and entertainment, toilets, podium and big screen ;
- Access to the Pasta Party where participants can get together around a hot meal to share their experience of the race ;
Additional services are available:
- The personalisation of your medal;
- A photo pack with your best individual photos during the race;
- A video of your race;
I’m a minor, Is a parental authorization necessary ?
Parental authorisation is not required, as your registration must be made by an adult on the time to registration platform. The electronic signature of the person of legal age is authentic. Please note that you must be 18 years old in 2025.
I can’t find my event on my time to account, what can I do ?
You may have created several time to accounts. Please check that you are logged in with the correct email address linked to the correct time to account.
How can I be sure I've registered correctly?
Once you have finished the registration process, you will receive two emails: one confirming your registration for the event, the other to confirm your payment. In addition, a tab with the name of the event will appear on your personal time to account.
I do not find any event on my time to account, what should I do?
You may have created several time to accounts. We therefore invite you to check that you are logged with the right e-mail address linked to the right time to account.
What is the Individual Accident Insurance?
This insurance is distributed by A.S.O. acting as Marsh's Insurance Intermediary and registered with ORIAS under the number 24005109.
This Personal Accident Insurance is offered by the organiser's insurer so that you are correctly covered during your participation in the L’Etape du Tour de France 2025. It is optional but is strongly recommended.
It is optional but is highly recommended.
As you may know, the vast majority of your usual insurance policies (including guarantees included with your bank cards, loan insurance, etc.) totally exclude any participation in sports events either on an amateur or professional basis, and therefore exclude the risks involved in your taking part in the L’Etape du Tour de France.
It is therefore important that you check the scope (and the exclusions) of the cover provided by your normal insurance policies and, if you are not sufficiently covered or not covered at all, you should consider taking out the proposed insurance policies by clicking on the link below.
This insurance will cover you if you have an accident whilst taking part in the event, whether or not you were responsible and whether or not there is an identified liable third party. You are only covered during the event from the time you cross the starting line until the time you cross the finishing line or until the time you abandon the event.
It guarantees the following accidents that may occur during the event :
- in the event of death or total or partial permanent disability (due to this accident), the payment of a capital (within the limits of the purchased insurance option),
- coverage of medical costs (within the limits of the purchased insurance option), and, if necessary, repatriation.
This Individual Accident is optional but highly recommended. It can be taken out in addition to any existing insurance you may already have or if you are not already covered. You may purchase the cover from the insurer of your choice, from your federation or from Marsh, organizer’s broker, whose proposed insurance (detailed notice and application form) can be consulted and downloaded by clicking on the link below.
What is the Cancellation Insurance?
This insurance is distributed by A.S.O. acting as Marsh's Insurance Intermediary and registered with ORIAS under the number 24005109.
Insured : any person who has taken out cancellation insurance with their registration for the Etape du Tour de France 2025.
Purpose of insurance : to reimburse registration fees paid for the L’Etape du Tour de France when the insured is forced to withdraw due to:
- Death, accident or illness of the insured;
- Death, accident or serious illness (accident or illness requiring hospitalization) of a spouse, cohabiting partner or partner in a civil partnership, a first-degree ascendant or descendant, a brother or sister, occurring within the thirty days preceding the event;
- Pregnancy and childbirth, provided the Insured is not pregnant at the time of subscription;
- Visa refusal by the authorities of the country of the event, provided that the participant has not previously been refused a visa by these authorities;
- Theft of the Insured's identity card or passport in the seven days prior to the event, provided these documents are essential for travel;
- Court summons
- Invitation to a make-up exam (university only), provided that the failure was not known at the time of registration for the event;
- Serious damage (theft, fire, water damage, natural elements) to the Insured's principal or secondary residence or business premises, more than 50% of which is destroyed and which absolutely requires the Insured's presence on the day of departure or event;
- Characterized accident during rail or sea transport enabling the Insured to travel to the event (with the exception of strikes and industrial action).
Please note that cancellation due to an epidemic and/or a pandemic is excluded. The direct or indirect consequences of COVID-19 affecting the insured (positive test, contact case or any other risk) are therefore excluded.
Premium on top of the registration fees :
- My Etape bib : 16€
- Plays it like the pros : 16€ (refund of registration for the L’Etape du Tour de France only)
- My Santini jersey : 16€ (valid only on the price of the bib)
- My Doublé Le Tour : 16€ (The cancellation insurance only covers purchase of the race number of the L'Etape du Tour de France. A spécific cancellation insurance for L'Etape du Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift will be available when you register for the event)
- My Santini Duo : 16€ (valid only for one person – the refund applies only for one bib. As cancellation insurance is individual, the leader and team-mate will each have to take out their own cancellation insurance when they register if they both wish to be insured)
- My Étape Souvenir : 20€
Compensation conditions: all requests for compensation must be made via an online declaration directly with the event’s insurance on underwriter no later than 15 days after the event.
This declaration must be accompanied by an official document justifying cancellation of participation and, notably, in the event of an accident or illness, a medical certificate drafted in French, English or Spanish and issued no later than two days following the event. This certificate must explicitly mention the inability to participate in the event.
Your request will be studied within two months of the event and, if justified and covered by the insurance policy, compensation will be paid to you by bank transfer within the following month.
Main exclusions include:
- Illness or accident suffered prior to taking out the insurance;
- Psychological or psychiatric disorders, nervous or mental illness, and their consequences;
- Pregnancy prior to taking out the insurance;
- Deliberate action by the insured.
We recommend that you read the full terms and conditions of the policy contained in the insurer's information notice.
Can I cancel my registration?
If you signed up for cancellation insurance when you registered:
You must apply for a refund within a period of 15 days before the date of the event and 15 days after the event on the following platform :
A supporting document proving your inability to take part in the event will be requested. If this is a medical certificate, it must be dated no more than two days after the event.
Refunds will be paid by bank transfer within three months after the event. If your application for a refund is approved, only the price of the bib will be refunded. Any options you signed up for during registration will not be refunded.
If you did not sign up for cancellation insurance when you registered:
Unfortunately, we can’t access your request for cancellation, refund or race number transfer.
The rules of the event state that “Any registration is personal, firm and definitive and cannot be refunded for any reason”, and “no transfer of registration is authorised for any reason whatsoever”.
To check whether you signed up for cancellation insurance, you can log into your time to account. All the details of your registration, including any cancellation insurance, will appear here
How can I collect my bib?
Bib numbers, plates and timing systems (chips or transponders) will be provided on the village upon presentation of:
- Your convocation with the QR code (received by email and available on your personal account on time to);
- Your proof of identity;
- Your medical certificate or your "Module Santé" certificate, if it has not been validated by the organisation on time to or if you didn't upload it.
When will the race numbers be issued?
Your race numbers will be available a few weeks before the event on your time to account.
Is the medicale certificate mandatory?
The Event is certified by the Fédération Française de Cyclisme (hereinafter the "FFC"). Consequently, in accordance with the rules laid down by the FFC and followed by the Organiser, participation is subordinated to the complusory presentation of a licence, a medical certificate ora “Module Santé” certificate. These elements must be uploaded on the Time to plateform from 21 March 2025.
- a sports licence issued by the FFC valid on the date of the Event and bearing proof of the issue of a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to the practice of cycling in competition,
- or a sports licence issued by one of the following federations, valid on the date of the Event, stating “no contraindication to the practice of sport in competition”, “no contraindication to the practice of cycling” or “no contraindication to the practice of triathlon in competition”:
- Fédération française de triathlon (FFTri),
- Fédération sportive et gymnique du travail (FSGT),
- Union française des œuvres laïques d’éducation physique (UFOLEP) ;
- or a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to the practice of cycling in competition;
- or a “Module Santé” certificate (valid 4 months before the Event) Here is the procedure to generate the “Module santé” certificate
- 1- I create my FFC account (on
- 2- I log in and access the “module santé”.
- 3- I read and complete the “module santé until the end and receive the evaluation result
- If the evaluation is positive: The system generates a personalized “module santé” certificate that I can download (it can also be retrieved later from my account).
- If the evaluation is negative: I must schedule an appointment with my doctor to obtain a medical certificate stating the absence of contraindications for competitive cycling.
- 4- I go to the registration platform to upload my “module santé” certificate.
Where can I consult the race rules?
Rules are available here.
Is it possible to sell my bib or postpone my registration for next year?
Unfortunately no, the rules of the event state that “no transfer of registration is authorised for any reason whatsoever”.
What types of bikes are allowed on L'Étape du Tour de France?
All bikes approved by the French Cycling Federation are accepted apart from electric bikes. Recumbent bikes and handlebar extensions are not allowed.
Are helmets mandatory?
Rigid helmets must be worn. The wearing of helmets (with the chin strap fastened) is mandatory at all times on the route. Any participant not wearing a helmet will be disqualified.
Is there any mandatory material to have on race day?
Yes, during the race you should have : helmet, can, repair kit with 2 tubes and a pump to deal with punctures.
Are there bike lockers?
Information on the bike lockers will be provided at a later date.
Are there luggage lockers?
Information on the luggage lockers will be provided at a later date.
Is there a possibility to eat on the course?
We want to make sure you have the strength to make it to the finish line, so of course! Refreshment stations will be set up throughout the route. You will find water, bananas, sugar...
Is there different useful maps for l'Étape du Tour de France?
Coming soon
Is L'Étape du Tour de France timed?
The race will be timed and will give rise to several rankings:
- A scratch ranking ;
- A real ranking ;
- A real ranking by category
Will the route be closed to traffic during the race?
The route will be closed to traffic throughout your race, in the same way as the Tour de France’s professional riders. However a time limit will be established in order to organise the re-opening of the route. Beyond this time limit, the route will be open to traffic again.
What is a time schedule?
The time schedule allows the closing of the route to be scheduled and those disqualified on L’Étape du Tour de France to be managed. Theses disqualifications are based on split times defined for each town crossed. These times are negotiated with the prefectures of each of the departments crossed and the departments of the National Gendarmerie. The strict application of these times (re-opening of the roads to traffic) is the key consideration if we want to continue to take advantage of a route that is completely closed for this race.
What happens if a rider withdraws / is eliminated?
You may be disqualified throughout the route. The “time schedule car” precisely follows the time schedule. Any rider who is overtaken by this car (equipped with a stopwatch), anywhere on the route will be considered as no longer in the race.
The “End of the Race” will be indicated by several of the organisation’s vehicles. If you are disqualified, you will be asked to take a diversion or go to one of the repatriation areas where you will be picked up by buses/trucks which will take you and your bike back to the finish village. Bicycles will be placed in the trucks and handed back to riders at the finish village upon presentation of race numbers.
When will the results be published?
The results will be available on the evening of the event on your time to account.
When will my personalized medal be mailed?
Your personalized medal will be mailed by post directly to your home address (address indicated in your registration). You'll receive it within a month and a half after the event.
Can I volunteer to help out?
With pleasure! We'd be mad to refuse enthusiastic helpers - maybe you can encourage others to help too? Bring your good humour and generous nature and join our hundreds of volunteers to help make this event run smoothly.
To welcome 16,000 participants, more than 1,000 volunteers are needed in the start and finish towns and along the route to carry out the various tasks.
Please contact us by email :
More informations here.
Service dedicated to participants
Our team is available from Monday to Friday to provide information on your registration or the race, if you do not find what you are looking for on our website.
You can contact us via the form available here.
Sponsorship contact
Clément UZAN
Email :
Exhibitors village
Exhibitor contact: Louis LYNIER
Email :
Tél. : +33 (0)