Established since 1984 in the south-east, the Roc d'Azur will allow you to discover all the beauty of the Var through the trails of Fréjus, Roquebrune-sur-Argens and Saint-Raphaël..
Amateurs, professionals, crossers, endurists, gravel riders, triathletes, trailers or even every year, there will be something for all tastes and all ages!
Between sea and mountains, on the Maures and Estérel massifs, come and enjoy a unique setting during these 5 days of events.
The Roc d’Azur is also the village where cycling and outdoor experts, tourism and innovation meet. You will be able to gather the best advice and discover new trends. 🙏
DATE | 8 to 12 october 2025
PLACE | 83600 Fréjus
Tips from our partners
Come and test yourself with your colleagues on the fabulous scenery of the Estérel by mountain bike! The MID ROC and its 35km of racing will offer you a playground accessible to all but challenging for the most daring.
Check our corporateClub offers to gather your colleagues in special conditions.
How to register?
Straight on our website dedicated to companies
For any further question, feel free to contact :
Anaïs Lequien
Email :
Tél : 01 41 33 15 18
Press contact
Aurélia Filho
07 85 82 89 72
A.S.O. press department
Titouan MENEZO
06 80 67 41 44
Press release
THE ROC D’AZUR BECOMES THE ROC D’AZUR CIC! Read the press release here
Title sponsor
Official partners
Official suppliers
Official supporters
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Institutional partners
How to register ?
What are the deadlines for registering to take part to the Roc?
How can I be sure I've registered correctly ?
Once you have finished the registration process, you will receive two emails:
- one confirming your registration for the event;
- the other confirming your payment.
I don’t find my event on my time to account, what do I do ?
It is possible that you created multiple time to accounts. Check that you are connected with the right email address.
When and where can I collect my race number ?
Race numbers can be collected from the Base Nature François Léotard in Fréjus (1196 Boulevard de la Mer, 83600 Fréjus).
- Wednesday, October 8: 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
- Thursday, October 9: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
- Friday, October 10: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
- Saturday, October 11: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Sunday, October 12: no number pick-up
They can be collected until 1 hour before the start of races scheduled after 11am. For races which start at 11am or before, they must be collected the day before the race.
How can I collect my race number ?
Race numbers, plates and timing systems (chips or transponders) will be provided upon presentation of:
- Your notification letter or QR Code
- Your proof of identity
- Your medical certificate, dated prior one year of the race day, if it has not been validated by the organization on your personal time to account. (The participation on some races is subject to the presentation of a medical certificate). You can visit our website to discover all the information and documents to be provided, depending on the event chosen :
For mountain bike races, the race number must be pinned to the participant’s back, and the plate must be attached in front of the bike’s handlebars so that the number is clearly visible. Participants must wear their numbers on their backs for the mountain biking stage and on their fronts (using pins or a race number belt) for the running stage.
When will the race numbers be issued ?
Race numbers will be sent out a few weeks before the event and will be distributed according to the sporting information we have been given. Your bib number will be indicated on your time to account a few weeks before the Roc d´Azur.
Is a medical certificate mandatory ?
Yes. It is mandatory to present for all the mountain-biking competition races of the Roc d’Azur. It must contains the words “no contra-indications to taking part in competitive cycling” (for mountain-biking competition race), no contra-indications to taking part in competitive triathlons” for the Tri Roc / Tri Roc Relais or “no contra-indications to taking part in competitive running” for the Roc Trail.
For the trail running races (and the Triroc relais if you are doing the running segment), you can also complete the Health Prevention Course, which will grant you a QR Code that replaces the medical certificate.
The medical certificate is mandatory for all races, except the ones that are “bike hikes”, recognizable with the word “Rando” in their names.
You can consult our registration page registration page to be sure that your medical certificate complies. We recommend you use the model certificates available on-line.
- Download the cycling certificate model
- Download the triathlon certificate model
- Go to the Health Prevention Course website
- No race numbers will be issued without presentation of a medical certificate (for mountain-biking competition races, trail races and triathlon races)
- No medical certificates will be issued at the race location and no other medical consent document is acceptable.
- Copies of a medical certificates are acceptable.
- The mention mandatory on your medical form depends of your race. You can visit our website to discover all the information for your medical certificate, depending of your race here
For all the mountain-biking competition races except the Tri Roc / Tri Roc Relais and Roc Trail :
You must provide a medical certificate (even if you are a rider licensed to a federation affiliated to the UCI) with the mention cycling in competition dated less than one year on the day of the race by upload it directly online on your time to account.
We advice you to use our medical certificate template : Download the cycling certificate model
For the Tri Roc :
Tri Roc participants must provide a medical certificate with the mention of no contra-indications to competitive triathlon, dated less than one year prior the date of the race (model version to be downloaded below).
You must also sign up for a €8 FFTri day pass (mandatory/price set by the Côte d’azur Triathlon League) if you don’t have a FFTri licence 2024.
Medical certificate template for the Triathlon here
For the Tri Roc Relay :
Tri Roc Relay participants must provide a medical certificate with the mention of no contra-indications to competitive triathlon, dated less than one year prior the date of the race, is mandatory (model version to be downloaded below).
You must also sign up for a €2 FFTri day pass (mandatory/price set by the Côte d’azur Triathlon League).If you participate in two sports in the relay, you must subscribe two FFTri day pass.
- if you participate only on the running part of the relay, you can present a valid QR code after completion of the Health Prevention Course . It is an online course which informs you of health risks, when and why you should ask for medical advice, and the importance of learning first aid. Upon completion, you will receive a pdf file with a QR code which replaces the medical certificate. The certificate must be done within 3 months prior to the race.
- if you are under 18 the day of the race (you must be 18 by the end of the year to compete), you must complete an online form and have it signed by your legal guardian. If you answer « yes » to one of the questions, you’ll have to get a medical certificate with a doctor. Once you have it, you can upload it on your timeto account.
- if you participate only on the swimming part of the relay, you can present a medical certificate with the mention swimming in competition, dated less than one year before the date of the race.
- if you participate only on the cycling part of the relay, you can present a medical certificate with the mention cycling in competition, dated less than one year before the date of the race.
We advice you to use our medical certificate template : Download the triathlon certificate model
For the Roc Trail 16 / 22 / 32 / 43km :
To participate in a trail race, it is mandatory to provide a valid completed Health Prevention Course.
How does it work? It’s very easy! Go to this website
During this online class, you’ll be informed about :
- During risky situations : unusal feelings, precaution regarding the age, the bad habits that impact the health…
- The need to check your doctor in case of identified health risk.
- The importance of being trained to life saving gestures.
- The access of a documentary basis about health good practices
When must I hand over my medical certificate ?
To save your time and avoid possible stress you can directly upload your medical certificate into your time to account and ensure it's valid.
You will have the possibility to consult on your time to account the status of your medical form. When it will be validated or refused you will receive an email. Attention, if your medical certificate is refused or if you didn’t upload it you will have to print it and brin git at the bib collection.(It must be dated less than a year prior the day of the race and including the mention “competitive cycling” for a mountain biking competition race, « competitve triathlon » for the Tri Roc / Tri Roc relay and « competitive running » for the Roc Trail).
How can I upload my medical form on my time to account ?
To do so, simply log in on your time to account and click on "My Account" - "My Events" then "Upload a document". Your document must be less than 3MB and in JPEG, PNG or PDF format. If your document exceeds 3MB, you will need to compress it before uploading it. Once your medical certificate has been successfully uploaded, it will appear as being "pending" for validation by our teams.
If you are unable to download it, we advise you to try with an other internet browser (Google Chrome / Firefox) and from a computer. If, despite this, you are unable to upload it, you will have to bring it with you printed during the bib collection.
When will my medical certificate be validated on my time to account?
The validation of medical certificates by the organization will start in September before the race. You will received an automatic email informing you of its validation or refusal.
Is it possible to sell my bib or postpone my registration for next year ?
Unfortunately no, the rules of the event state that “no transfer of registration is authorised for any reason whatsoever”.
Where can I consult the race rule
Available here
What is the Personal Accident Insurance?
This insurance is distributed by A.S.O. acting as Marsh's Insurance Intermediary and registered with ORIAS under the number 24005109.
This Personal Accident Insurance is offered by the organiser's insurer so that you are correctly covered during your participation in the Roc d’Azur 2025. It is optional but is strongly recommended.
As you may know, the vast majority of your usual insurance policies (including guarantees included with your bank cards, loan insurance, etc.) totally exclude any participation in sports events either on an amateur or professional basis, and therefore exclude the risks involved in your taking part in the Roc d’Azur.
It is therefore important that you check the extent of the cover provided by your normal insurance policies (and the exclusions) and, if you are not sufficiently covered or not covered at all, you should consider taking out the proposed insurance policies by clicking on the link below. This insurance will cover you if you have an accident whilst taking part in the event, whether or not you were responsible and whether or not there is an identified responsible third party. You are only covered during the event from the time you cross the starting line until the time you cross the finishing line or you abandon the event.
It guarantees the following accidents that may occur during the event:
- in the event of death or total or partial permanent disability (due to this accident), the payment of a capital (within the limits of the purchased insurance option),
- coverage of medical costs (within the limits of the purchased insurance option), and, if necessary, repatriation.
This Individual Accident is optional but highly recommended. It can be taken out in addition to any existing insurance you may already have or if you are not already covered. You may purchase the cover from the insurer of your choice, from your federation or from Marsh, organizer’s broker, whose proposed insurance (detailed notice and application form) can be consulted and downloaded by clicking on the link below.
What is the Cancellation Insurance?
This insurance is distributed by A.S.O. acting as Marsh's Insurance Intermediary and registered with ORIAS under the number 24005109.
Insured : any person who has subscribed to the cancellation insurance with their registration for the Roc d’Azur 2025.
Purpose of insurance : to reimburse registration fees paid for the Roc d’Azur when the insured is forced to withdraw due to :
- Death, accident or illness of the insured;
- Death, accident or serious illness (accident or illness requiring hospitalization) of a spouse, cohabiting partner or partner in a civil partnership, a first-degree ascendant or descendant, a brother or sister, occurring within the thirty days preceding the event;
- Pregnancy and childbirth, provided the Insured is not pregnant at the time of subscription;
- Visa refusal by the authorities of the country of the event, provided that the participant has not previously been refused a visa by these authorities;
- Theft of the Insured's identity card or passport in the seven days prior to the event, provided these documents are essential for travel;
- Ccourt summons ;
- Invitation to a make-up exam (university only), provided that the failure was not known at the time of registration for the event;
- Serious damage (theft, fire, water damage, natural elements) to the Insured's principal or secondary residence or business premises, more than 50% of which is destroyed and which absolutely requires the Insured's presence on the day of departure or event;
- Characterized accident during rail or sea transport enabling the Insured to travel to the event (with the exception of strikes and industrial action).
Please note that cancellation due to an epidemic and/or a pandemic is excluded. The direct or indirect consequences of COVID-19 affecting the insured (positive test, contact case or any other risk) are therefore excluded.
The Cancellation Insurance covers the registration for the event and the Photo Pack option if selected. In the case of a group registration, the Cancellation Insurance, if chosen, covers all registrations. However, the Cancellation Insurance for options must be purchased individually.
Compensation conditions: all requests for compensation must be made via an online declaration directly with the event’s insurance underwriter :, no later than 15 days after the event.
This declaration must be accompanied by an official document justifying cancellation of participation and, notably, in the event of an accident or illness, a medical certificate drafted in French, English or Spanish and issued no later than 2 days following the event. This certificate must explicitly mention the inability to participate in the event.
Your request will be studied within two months of the event and, if justified and covered by the insurance policy, compensation will be paid to you by bank transfer within the following month.
Main exclusions include:
- Illness or accident suffered prior to taking out the insurance
- Psychological or psychiatric disorders, nervous or mental illness, and their consequences;
- Pregnancy prior to taking out the insurance
- Deliberate action by the insured
We recommend that you read the full terms and conditions of the policy contained in the insurer's information notice.
Can I cancel my registration ?
If you signed up for cancellation insurance when you registered ?
You must apply for a refund within a period of 15 days before the date of the event and 15 days after the event on the following platform. A supporting document proving your inability to take part in the event will be requested. If this is a medical certificate, it must be dated no more than two days after the event. Refunds will be paid by bank transfer within three months after the event. If your application for a refund is approved, only the price of the race number will be refunded. Any options you signed up for during registration will not be refunded.
If you did not sign up for cancellation insurance when you registered ?
Unfortunately, we can’t access your request for cancellation, refund or race number transfer. The rules of the event state that “Any registration is personal, firm and definitive and cannot be refunded for any reason”, and “no transfer of registration is authorised for any reason whatsoever”.
What equipment is required ?
All bikes used at the Roc d’Azur must comply with the official standards currently in force, as defined by the FFC (French Federation of Cycling) and the UCI. Participants are fully responsible for ensuring that the equipment they use, and its state of repair, are in accordance with current standards. For safety reasons and to reduce the risk of incidents during races, all participants are required to comply with the following rules regarding equipment.
“Mountain electric bike are exclusively accepted on races countening the word “RANDO” in their names and on the Enduroc Electrique. The use of an electric bike on a race non fitting those criteria will disqualify the participant and will be considered as no longer in the race”
Find the mandatory equipment in the rules of the event and on this table.
What do you recommend for someone taking part in their first Rando Roc ?
Ideally, experienced riders who have not taken part in competitions, should use a “full suspension” bike. This is the most suitable bike in terms of comfort because it has front and back suspension to absorb shocks. However, it is also possible to do the Roc with a semi-rigid bike, because the routes are not too tough. You can find the mandatory equipment in the rules of the event.
Is there a closed bike park ?
Yes, a secure closed bike park is available day and night, at a price of €2 per day and €5 per night.
Are recovery treatments available ?
A team of osteopaths are available either before or after your race.
When will the results be published ?
The results will be available on the evening of each event on the official website.
Are there rankings ?
Of course, you can measure yourself against the other participants, except on the “bike hikes” with “rando” in their names which are non-competitive.
When can I find my photos after the race ?
All photos will be available the week after the event at Sportograf.
Can I volunteer to help out?
Volunteers are the people who are there for others, the people who give their time, energy and dedication just for a smile or a thank you. Volunteers are the people without whom many events would simply not be possible.
Whether it's at baggage claim, number collection, refreshment points, at the roadside to make intersections safe, etc., the Volunteer is present on all fronts during an event. They are the key players in the Roc d'Azur.
We'd be mad to refuse enthusiastic helpers - maybe you can encourage others to help too? Bring your good humour and generous nature and join our hundreds of volunteers to help make this event run smoothly.
- For Volunteer in Fréjus :
- For Volunteer in Roquebrune :
- For Volunteer in Saint Raphaël :
More information here.
Who are the volunteers?
Anyone can be a volunteer!
Students, sportspeople, engineers, friends, retired people, non-sportspeople, families, and so on. All profiles are welcome, because everyone can contribute in their own way.
To make the magic happen, the recipe is simple:
- Be of legal age, from 18 to 99
- Be involved and caring, and maintain a good relationship with the other volunteers and participants. It's essential to respect everyone and to be patient, even with the most difficult people.
- Be in a good mood to set the mood, even if you've woken up early, it's still nicer for everyone!